The Essence - Spirit of the Water

YEAR: 2021 I MATERIAL: AR-app for iOS
AR development by Fredrik Holmgren/ Immerence | The spirit’s voice was written and recorded by Åsa Cederqvist | Sounds and music from by Felix Blume, Phonos UPF, licensed under Creative Commons

In this work you’ll meet a drop of water. Is it the first or is it the last? The Essence aim to wake up sleeping senses – call it intuition, spirituality or presence – that connect us beyond the rational and the anthropocentric world we live in. It’s said that water would be nature’s medium for communicating with humanity. Now we’ve reached a point in time when we must start listening. 

The Essence - Spirit of the Water [prototype], 2021
installation view of exhibition Symbiosis,Färgfabriken
shown in diptyc dialogue with The Source

 * The Essence and The Source was developed in dialog with Spirit of the Water, Färgfabriken Art Center and the research project NATURE at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
