Exhibitions & performances
January 21
Presentation of Team VEX take on Visioner i Norr steg 2 (Vision of the Nort step 2), Ark Des, Stockholm
April 30 - June 15
Det som bar mig (What carried me), group exhibtion at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm
June 12 - Sept 13
[title comes here], solo exhibtion at Växjö konsthall
Dec 5
Presentation Phantom Sensations at the symposium on Artistic Research; Hurricanes and Scaffolding
This year has been moslty dedicated to my public commission Mycelia Sklerotia, and the co creative process I had designed as part of it. The rest of my time is spent on writing and working on reserach for coming exhibitions and projects next year, 2025.
Residency at Rupert’s in Vilnius, Lithuania, with fellow interdiciplinary artist Janna Holmstedt and our collaboration Holi Biont.
Oct 21 2023 - January 28, 2024 Solo exhibition Att praktisera det osäkra/ To Excerise the Uncertain at Eskilstuna konstmuseum.
Oct 4 - Oct 22
Showing Giga-annum as part of Fleeting Figures produced by Untold Garden, and is a part of London film festival exteneded program.
August 23 - August 25
In need of protection, group exhibtion curated by Katja Schröder at Goethe institute, Stockholm
May 20 – September 30
Vävda rum (Woven places), Riksförbundet Sveriges Konstföreningar (The National Association of Swedish Art Societies). Swedens first larger AR based exhibition, which will take place around Sweden. Curated by Ulrika Flink.
Eyelander, Intercult.
Read about the project here!
Oct 13
Seminar / opening of Symbiotic Pathways, Hanaholmen, Helsinki, Finland
Oct 13 2022 - Feb 19 2023
Symbiotic Pathways, exhibition
Hanaholmen, Finland
Oct 6 -
The autumn collection, The Art Company, Sweden
August 27 - Sept 11
Öppna Dörrar, Hospitalsparken i Ulleråker, Uppsala, Sweden
July 22-24
Kalbjärga filmfestival, filmscreening and exhibition, Fårö, Sweden
Aug 19 -
Public commission for Folkets Park Heby, in collaboration with Public Art Agency Sweden & Folkets Hus och Parker. To be inagurated in August 19th, 100 year after the park itself was inagurated.

Jan - July
Artist-in-Residence at Gustavsbergs Konsthall
Jan 22 - March 13
Aaa-oou-umm at Taverna Brillo, Stockholm
May 29 - July 4
States of Becoming, Gustavsbergs Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
May 29 - Sep 26
Deep Listening for Longing, Borås Art Biennale, Sweden
June 3 - June 6
imMaterialities, Weld-Magnethuset-Spökparken, Stockholm
Aug 28 - Nov 28
Symbiosis, Färgfabriken, Stockholm
Sep 18 - Oct 10
Mama Dada Gaga - Det som framträder [that what emerges] Gallery Lars Palm, Sandviken
Jan - August
Astrid Holm & co at Kunsthal Rønnebæcksholm, Denmark
Feb - March (August)
Artist in residence at Open Studio at Färgfabriken
Lecture In the Shadow of a Doubt at HDK in Gothenburg
Aug 21 - Oct 18
INVITERT N˚3: Åsa Cederqvist & Hanne Friis at KRAFT Bergen, Norway
Sep 12 - Sep 13
Tomrummets Potential (The Potential of the Void) - a commisson for Stockholm Konst
Sept 17 - Sept 27
Mama Dada Gaga screens at Videograms at Kaunas International Film festival, Lituania
Oct 1 - Oct 18
(smiling) faces at Barklund & co, Stockholm
Oct 22 - Oct 24
Holi Biont - a collaboration with Janna Holmsted, will hold a session as part of the conference Alliances and Commonalities at Uniarts in Stockholm
Nov 5 - Nov 8
Mama Dada Gaga screens at
VAFT film festival, Turku, Finland
I’m part of team VEX working out a plan for Umeå municipality in coordination through Ark Des and Vinnova, Boverket and Hållbara Städer.
I’ve been awarded the Carl Axel Valén grant 2023!
Cermony and celebrations takes place at the opening of the exhibtion Att praktisera det osäkra / To Excersice the Uncertain at Eskilstuna konstmuseum, Saturday October 21. Welcome!
An interview I did early summer with Hundhund - read here!
Happy womens day!
This day will have to stay until we find this world being equal. This is still not the fact.
I’m happy to share that I was chosen for a public commission for Kvibergs Park, in collaboration with Göteborgs Konst. Inaguration in 2024.
A blog post around my collaboration with reserach project Nature at KTH for last years exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken.
I forgot to share this lil’ video about Symbiosis, Lindéngruppen made for their annual conference. Me and David Nilsson from the reserach project NATURE is talking about our collaboration with an engaged CEO Paul Schrotti. LINK
The year has just begun, and the pandemic is surrounding us. I’m tired and deliberatly slow, but also hopeful to find a sustainable and graceful methodology to sip through my practice throughout this coming year. Dears, I welcome Thee!
My new works The Source and The Essence is now installed, together with Ambigious Vanity and Civilization - the Pleasure Principle, and open for the public in the exhibtion Symbiosis at Färgfabriken, Stockholm.
You still have time to visit the Borås Biennale until Sept 26th where I have a room full of different objects and film installed.
I’ve written a short reflection over mental health and artistic practice in relation to the pandemic for the upcoming issue of Paletten! Support them by subscribing or buy your copy!
Watch this
The dutch based magazine Current Obsession came to visit my studio September 2020.