Ingenmansland - Alltingets början
YEAR: 2019
A draft for a potential playground.
No Mans Land - The Everything’s Beginning
Through the project Mind over matter* I was invited to create my vision of a playground. I was one of the invited artist and to think outside the box and in my case create my version of a playground. No matter, money or other factors should matter.

Top view of draft for No Mans Land - The Everything’s Beginning
My playground wasn’t so much of an ordinary playground, as it often suggest a place for a certain age. I early came to think of how much all of us are in need of spaces with more than a single handed use intention. So instead I formulated that I would want to create a “plats för lek” (in swedish), ground for playing; a No Mans Land - Everythings beginning, an area for both recreation, creation, activation and relaxation.
*Mind over matter is a development and experimental project at the Public Art Agency Sweden with the intention of engaging artists / artist groups / architects to work out idea sketches for possible permanent art designs in public spaces,
The aim with this project is to engage artists who in their practice are not previously hired for work with art in public spaces or who work with artistic expressions and methods that cannot naturally or simply be translated into permanent designs.
Other contributing architects and artists: Pelle Backman and Ebba Hallin, Markus Bohm, Jens Evaldsson, Sam Hultin and Ingela Ihrman, Susanna Jablonski and Jin Mustafa and Natália Rebelo.

draft for play sculpture, seen from front

draft for play sculpture, seen from back