YEAR: 2014 - ongoing I MEDIUM: sessions, documentation, improvisation, HD-film, aspect 16:9, color film I SIZE/ DUR: various, but there is a presentation from the first session as a 8:15 mins edit.
Canni-Balls is a format; a saloon, a dinner, a chamber play, musical, discussion board and reality-show, an invitation to share an open process with me. The intention is to make my artistic process collective, and laid bare and vunerable to the participants.
I’m interested to laborate with the possibilities between the material- and the non-material, between the emotional and the rational. If its possible to make it live or otherwise. Together with the invited participants.
The process start with an invitation to a session. The invitation includes a few thoughts or questions I want to raise, or want to discuss. They prepare to present a response to this. So it’s partly a collaborative, participatory project, but it is also a statement in a constant creation. A statement of a monument under producution. And a statement of how dependent we are of each other. How we are all as much eating off each other, as we are being eaten of oursleves. A the core of this project I was thinking of personal experiences of sharing or not sharing, and about showing trust and vulnability or not.
An investigating and process based work where I’d like to continue working in a the heritage of expanded cinema, with progenitors like Valie Export, Joan Jonas and more recent Aernout Mik. I’m interested to laborate with the possibilities between the stage/theater, sculpture and sound through experimenting with moving imagery in relation to the offered apparatus, in relation to the space and invited guests.
The intention is to collect and create content for a coming stage/film project called Canni-Balls (work title), including conversations, dinners, readings, auditions and rehearsals, which all will lead to a sort of pilot /teaser of this project. Canni-Balls is a chamber play, musical, discussion board and reality-show which dissects representation, desires, rhythms and frameworks. A statement in a constant creation.
Practically I send out personal invitations to seven participants. The invitation asks for them to prepare a 6 min presentation that meets some questions I have sent out with the invitations. We meet, we present, we eat dinner, we do common resonse to this, then we leave.
For the first session I suggested we discuss representation, desires, rhythms and frameworks.
Link to first session held at Ausland Berlin, 2014 with the invited guests Power Ekroth, Mika Risiko, Joanna Rytel, Marika Lagercrantz,
Canni-Balls (I), 2014, still from film
(photo by Mika Risiko)
(photo by Mika Risiko)
Canni-Balls is a format; a saloon, a dinner, a chamber play, musical, discussion board and reality-show, an invitation to share an open process with me. The intention is to make my artistic process collective, and laid bare and vunerable to the participants.
I’m interested to laborate with the possibilities between the material- and the non-material, between the emotional and the rational. If its possible to make it live or otherwise. Together with the invited participants.
The process start with an invitation to a session. The invitation includes a few thoughts or questions I want to raise, or want to discuss. They prepare to present a response to this. So it’s partly a collaborative, participatory project, but it is also a statement in a constant creation. A statement of a monument under producution. And a statement of how dependent we are of each other. How we are all as much eating off each other, as we are being eaten of oursleves. A the core of this project I was thinking of personal experiences of sharing or not sharing, and about showing trust and vulnability or not.
An investigating and process based work where I’d like to continue working in a the heritage of expanded cinema, with progenitors like Valie Export, Joan Jonas and more recent Aernout Mik. I’m interested to laborate with the possibilities between the stage/theater, sculpture and sound through experimenting with moving imagery in relation to the offered apparatus, in relation to the space and invited guests.
The intention is to collect and create content for a coming stage/film project called Canni-Balls (work title), including conversations, dinners, readings, auditions and rehearsals, which all will lead to a sort of pilot /teaser of this project. Canni-Balls is a chamber play, musical, discussion board and reality-show which dissects representation, desires, rhythms and frameworks. A statement in a constant creation.
Practically I send out personal invitations to seven participants. The invitation asks for them to prepare a 6 min presentation that meets some questions I have sent out with the invitations. We meet, we present, we eat dinner, we do common resonse to this, then we leave.
For the first session I suggested we discuss representation, desires, rhythms and frameworks.
Link to first session held at Ausland Berlin, 2014 with the invited guests Power Ekroth, Mika Risiko, Joanna Rytel, Marika Lagercrantz,
Canni-Balls (I), 2014, still from film
Canni-Balls (I), 2014, still from film
(photo by Erika Svensson)
(photo by Erika Svensson)
Canni-Balls (I), 2014
still from film
(photo by Mika Risiko)
still from film
(photo by Mika Risiko)
Canni-Balls (I), 2014
still from film
(photo by Mika Risiko)
still from film
(photo by Mika Risiko)
Canni-Balls (I), 2014
still from film
still from film
Canni-Balls (I), 2014
still from film
still from film
Canni-Balls (I),
installation view
from presentation at Ausland Berlin, 2014, Berlin
installation view
from presentation at Ausland Berlin, 2014, Berlin
Canni-Balls, installation view
from presentation at Ausland Berlin, 2013, Berlin
from presentation at Ausland Berlin, 2013, Berlin